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Remote teams

Virtual Team Building Activities for Remote Teams

Building bonds between teammates is extra-important when you’re in remote or hybrid mode.

3 min read

As many offices move from physical spaces to digital realms, the challenge of keeping teams connected becomes crucial. Fostering a strong team connection in remote work is more important than ever.

Remote work offers flexibility, but it also brings challenges. One primary concern is keeping teams cohesive when they're physically apart. The term "remote" might imply detachment, but it's up to organizations to defy this assumption. Building a robust team connection is not just a priority; it's also a strategic necessity. Success in remote work relies on efficient workflows and the strength of the bonds tying team members together.

This post will explore six creative approaches to building a thriving remote work culture.

1. Create a Virtual Break Room

Remote work can lead to physical separation, but it doesn't have to mean the absence of casual interactions. The idea of a virtual break room is to create a digital space that mirrors the spontaneity of conversations in a traditional office break room. Whether it's a dedicated Slack channel or a recurring Zoom meeting, this space should encourage team members to drop in at any time, mimicking the impromptu nature of office chats. 

A virtual break room should be a platform for sharing articles, discussing weekend plans, or simply unwinding. The goal is to recreate the essence of the traditional break room, fostering informal connections beyond work.

2. Hold Virtual Company Events

Virtual company events are a powerful strategy. These events, from monthly town halls to annual celebrations, are vital in unifying the entire team. Beyond being channels for updates and recognition, they create shared experiences, contributing to a robust company culture. Interactive features like Q&A sessions and polls enhance engagement, ensuring every team member feels integral to the organization's journey. 

Here, the aim is to transcend geographical distances and create a collective sense of purpose and identity.

3. Get Together in Virtual Book Clubs

Reading is often viewed as an individual pursuit, but virtual book clubs inject a social element into this solitary activity. By selecting books relevant to the industry or opting for personal development titles, organizations can invite team members to share a literary journey. 

Regular discussions should cultivate a love for learning and provide a distinctive platform for colleagues to connect personally. This should lead to a strengthened sense of community where team members bond over ideas and narratives beyond daily tasks.

4. Try Live Remote Coworking

The absence of a shared office space in remote work can lead to a sense of isolation. Live remote coworking addresses this challenge. Platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams facilitate virtual work sessions where team members collaborate in real-time. This simulates the office environment and allows impromptu discussions and collaborative problem-solving. 

The structured yet flexible nature of live remote coworking ensures that the camaraderie found in a physical office can still be experienced in the digital realm, fostering a sense of collaboration and shared purpose.

5. Schedule “Show and Tell” Events

"Show and tell" events bring a touch of childhood nostalgia into the virtual work environment. By establishing a regular cadence, team members can showcase something meaningful to them—whether it's a hobby, a pet, or a personal achievement. This practice humanizes the virtual space by offering a glimpse into each other's lives beyond work. 

Here, colleagues engage in a collective understanding and appreciation, fostering deeper connections and a sense of community.

6. Setup Virtual Workout Sessions

This strategy revolves around prioritizing employee well-being through virtual workout sessions. Organizations emphasize physical health and create a shared wellness activity by scheduling regular fitness breaks or yoga classes that team members can participate in from the comfort of their homes. 

This positive impact extends beyond individual well-being to reinforce a sense of togetherness as team members engage in a collective pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. This contributes to a healthier workforce and enhances the bond among team members through a shared commitment to well-being.


In essence, each strategy is a deliberate effort to address specific challenges posed by remote work—the lack of casual interactions, the need for shared experiences, or the imperative for well-being. By integrating these strategies, organizations can create a holistic approach to building a thriving remote work culture, fostering deeper connections, and ensuring distance is not a barrier to a united and engaged team. 

As we navigate the evolving work landscape, let these strategies guide your organization toward a future where distance is no barrier to a connected, collaborative, and thriving remote team.

Ready to build your connected team? 

Craft a united and engaged remote workforce with Olby here.