The What you need to know before an international software engineer interview's article

What you need to know before an international software engineer interview

Interviewing for an international position can be a challenging time. Discover tips to make the experience smoother.

7 min read

Passing a job interview is just one of the many challenges a software engineer faces. As a talent network, we know the path to an international position is sometimes unclear. Yet the interview is likely one of the phases that most generate doubts.

After all the hours of searching for the perfect job and preparing your resume, the interview is practically the deciding point between you and a great job opportunity. To make this moment a victory, you must be well prepared.

More than just having the technical knowledge, during an international software engineering interview, you need to show all your skills in a good light. The communication, the way you present yourself, and the environment in which you do the interview all count.

Moreover, you must present your knowledge and experiences correctly to convince the recruiting team that hiring you is the best decision.

But how to make a good impression? That's what we're going to understand now.

Preparation before the interview

Doing an international job interview without preparation is not a good idea. But you probably already know that. Even if you feel confident about the position and your skills, you must understand how interviewers conduct these moments and how to present yourself best.

What the tech recruiter wants from you

In general, the tech recruiter needs to understand if you fit the job they need to fill. Therefore, during the interview, they intend to understand aspects such as:

  • Can I trust this person with this responsibility?

  • Are our values and principles aligned?

  • Does this person know the tools and technologies we use?

  • Do we have prior, actionable knowledge of the tools they need? How long will our ramping uptake be if we enter their team?

  • Is their English good enough? Are there any cultural barriers?

  • Is this person engaged with my product mission?

  • How much do they want this?

  • How much do they care about the details?

  • Are they motivated by the opportunity? Will they give it their best?

You need to notice that recruiters will ask these questions indirectly. The important thing is to understand that during the international software engineer interview, these are some details observed from your behavior. In other words, pay attention to everything the recruiter does during the call and take advantage of every moment to present your best professional image.

The time to train

With that in mind, it's time to train.

You should always craft every speech for a specific audience, and your job interview in English will be the same. That means you must tailor what you say to your audience, the recruiter.

However, it's challenging to do this without knowing whom you will talk to. In this way, some strategies can help at this time. 

The first question to ask is, what is the background of the recruiter who will interview you?

Is this person technical? Do they have any experience as a software engineer? Or is it someone more focused on the business area? 

Understanding this will be essential in preparing yourself for the job interview. If you're talking to someone with a technical background, that person will likely want to know about the projects you've built, the complexity of the problems you've solved, and how you overcome challenging situations.

In these moments, giving factual information with numbers is essential because it is easier for the recruiter to visualize your skills well.

The recruiter may also want to explore your behaviors working with a team or know your familiarity with the technologies used by the company.

So use prep time to practice your answers. You need to rehearse your interview like an actor prepares for a performance.

Communication is more than words

Besides paying attention to what you say, it is crucial to be aware of the environment in which you will perform.

When you work from home, attention to these details is even more essential. Avoid noisy environments. If you need to, schedule with your family when you need silence. 

You may not see this as an essential factor, but your background and clothes are also important factors. Equally crucial as showing your skills is to prove that you're an organized and serious professional.

Know the company in detail

Knowing the company's culture is crucial before doing an international job interview. In addition, it is also necessary to know well the project you will join and the desired vacancy. Make sure you understand the following:

  • The project scope;

  • The company's objective in implementing it;

  • The company's expectations of you;

  • The responsibilities you will have.

All these points will be discussed, directly or indirectly, during the coding interview. Therefore, you must know how to target your answers well.

How to act during the coding interview

After all the preparation, you've arrived at the big moment. 

Take this chance without putting so much pressure on yourself. Indeed, keep in mind the information and strategies you built up during preparation and understand how to use them.

Make the most of your call time

Pay attention to the time you have available for the conversation. If the call is short, avoid giving answers that are too long. However, be mindful of what you are saying so you remember the details.

Also, prepare the questions you will ask the recruiter before the coding interview, and plan time thinking about what you will say.

Speak calmly and moderately

Nervousness can hit, and at these times, it is challenging to control breathing or speech rate. Focus on speaking calmly without sounding rushed, and pause between sentences; this will make your speech more fluid.

Furthermore, pay attention to your tone of voice. Avoid speaking too loudly or too softly. Besides this, be careful not to appear apathetic. The recruiter wants to choose a candidate who is excited about the company and the project.

Create your questions and make sure to ask them

As we pointed out earlier, you also must ask questions. The international software engineer interview should be an exchange experience, and the recruiter expects you to have questions to ask. So prepare well for what you want to say.

Meanwhile, more important than that is to answer what they asked. Pay attention to understanding the real meaning of the questions. For example, if the recruiter asks how long you've been working with Python, they don't want you to repeat the same information on your resume. Know how to show new details and nuances.

At the same time, don't talk too much about unnecessary topics. For example, even if you have many experiences, you don't need to go into detail about each one.

Each job interview is unique and different. But you can still understand patterns and be prepared.

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